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How to move from VideoPro to BeTube Video WordPress Theme

TThemes December 7, 2023 No Comments

Move from VideoPro – Video WordPress Theme to BeTube – Video WordPress Theme easy guide.

As i know BeTube – Video WordPress theme is cheaper then VideoPro – Video WordPress Theme and BeTube have lot of features in very cheap price, Many of VideoPro theme user want to move on BeTube, But have problem with current Video Posts data, So here i will help to all those user’s to move easily from VideoPro to BeTube.

Overview of WordPress post type & Custom Fields

If you are currently using VideoPro theme and you want to move on BeTube VideoWordPress theme then you must need to know about Post type.

Both theme are using WordPress default post method for video posts, but custom fields are different where saved Video URL, Video Duration and post views.

After to setup complete theme we need to change post meta to get old posts working with BeTube theme.

Step 1: Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
Step 2: Upload BeTube theme from WordPress Dashboard –> Appearance –> Themes –> Upload.
Step 3: Active BeTube Theme.
Step 4: Go To WordPress Dashboard –> Plugins –> Deactivate all plugins related to VideoPro theme, Don’t delete just deactivate.
Step 5: Install & Active required BeTube Plugins from WordPress Dashboard –> Appearance –> Install Plugins.
Step 6: Login to your cPanel in come to phpmyadmin and open related data base.
Now we need to convert all custom fields to BeTube custom fields.
Now run these queries one by one.

UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_key` = 'wpb_post_views_count' WHERE `meta_key` = 'ct_total_count'
UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_key` = 'post_time' WHERE `meta_key` = 'video_duration'
UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_key` = 'jtheme_video_url' WHERE `meta_key` = 'original_link'


Now you all data is ready.

And you need to import Pages and Theme options. Or create Theme pages manually.

Or you can ask from Theme author for this customization.

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